Monday, September 10, 2007

Hell among the yearlings

So, this weekend a friend of mine was in town and we watched movies and drank beer till late on Friday. Weird thing was, at about 3:30am I hear my bedroom door open and the shuffle of feet on the carpet... I am half expecting a practical joke like a sharpie mustache or some other crap. Not being in the mood for foolishness and thinking that maybe, just maybe there is a need for asprin or something and no knowledge of where the hell it is. I figure I will just see what the hell is going on. So I ask "what do you need?" A response comes back, "I dont need anything". I continue with "Then what the hell are you doing?" at which point the sleeper awakes and responds with "I um Well I uh aparently I'm in the wrong place." pretty funny if you think about it. A Damn sleepwalker. Thankfully no one tried to spoon me...


Anonymous said...

If it was Jared, you should have known he is a sleep walker, and he makes lattes in his sleep.

Fallen said...

You know that is funny stuff, somewhere in the back of my mind I recall laughing my ass off to that latte story...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, she fucked with him pretty hard core back in those days, made for some good stories though