My mother decided in an attempt to be nice that she would wash my tea pots.

This one was a gift from my brother Mike
It is a beautifully carved dragon.
My Yixing Tea pots are from China.
They are made with special purple clay found only in Yixing province.
The clay is porous and absorbs the essence of the tea,
as a side effect they absorb other flavors as well,
such as any non tea cleaners.
I now have 12 soap flavored Tea pots.,-Raise,-and-Take-Care-of-a-New-Yixing-Clay-Teapot
Ooh, that's funny to me!
Sorry, I know I'm mean.
Well, I love my Mom. That said, I am glad she went home. The washing of the pots is pretty funny. And as I said I understand she was trying to help. It did however ruin my whole day/evening as well as the teapots. They are too expensive to just throw out so I am going to try and boil them and start seasoning them over again.
Yesterday I made a french press of coffee. A bit latter I was looking for it. Mom asked what I was looking for. I told her. Come to find out, she dumped it out and threw away the grounds and washed out the press. I asked her why she dumped it out and her response was "because it was on the counter by the sink". I think next time I make a french press of coffee I will have to set it on the floor.
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