Monday, April 21, 2008

My skin outside the door

Feeling a need to push forward for spring I bar-b-qued this weekend. Crazy I guess since it has been snowing and all that cold... Well, I made a nice whole grain pasta salad with roasted red & yellow peppers, Pepperoncini and marinated mushrooms. Q-ed some steak and had a nice green salad. The Amber was not bad either...


Anonymous said...

Um.... Miles? Really?

Fallen said...

Hey, I thought you were going to send me some bear/ferret/toy pictures.? And um yeah "Miles" is just a character that sometimes I can relate to. So yes, at the moment it is Miles. Soon I am sure it will be something else. Just you watch.

Anonymous said...

You don't tell me "just you watch"! Jesus, I will send some pics just as soon as finals are all wrapped up nice and tidy..... oh wait, that would require preparation and studying and such. So I guess I will do it after I have picked up the pieces that previously were my nice President's list GPA and can ready myself for the coming summer. Or something like that

Fallen said...

O.K. then, don't watch. Ha. Take that. :D Anyway, by my recolection, Finals were never, how do you say "nice and tidy". Presidents List? Nicely done.

Anonymous said...

Well, by "nice and tidy" I think I meant more like "quickly forgotten in a drunken state"...Yeah, that's a little more realistic.
And yes, the President's List was nice, although I am pretty sure I can kiss that good bye.