Monday, December 21, 2009


While I find most Barley Wine to be unpalatable until the second one is down, This Treblehook a limited release from Redhook was absolutely delicious. Sweet, spicy and at 10.1% perhaps just a little bit dangerous.

Monday, December 07, 2009

In an attempt to improve my hunter / gatherer status I decided I should at least attempt to collect some of my own food...

This is one of three Red Rock Crab I collected.
We ate them for dinner. They were Delicious. Some people doubted my success rate and bought there own. Theirs cost too much.

This is some Squid Chris and I gathered as well. Two ladies, one Korean and one Japanese, helped us, giving good advice and talking us thru the process. Ladies, Thank you.

Squid are strange and beautiful. They are translucent when they come out of the water and flash all sorts of crazy colors.

Sometimes the wacko has to have a little fun...

Saturday, December 05, 2009


So, while I was in Bremerton I thought I should go jigging for squid.
Look at me! I'm jigging.

While I was Jigging, It started to snow...
Holy crap it is cold.

I was quite suprised when I caught not one but two Crabs. This is a nice shot of one of them scampering back over the edge of the pier. I guess they see the jig and think "hey, thats looks tasty... " and then thay won't let go. Sadly, both had to go back in the water.
Oh yeah, I didn't catch any Squid. I guess I will try again tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009


Bumped into my friend Kat the other day... I haven't seen her in years.
It was nice to have a chance to catch up.