Friday, November 21, 2008

It is almost time.

For the third annual snowshoe campfire. So, I ordered my Snowshoes today (MSR Denali) and the additional 8 inch flotation tails. I guess I figured if I snowshoe ten times they will have paid for themselves and I am probably more likely to Snowshoe if I actually have a pair. The funny thing is, now I have been thinking about Snowshoe/Backpacking in, Snowcamping and then maybe snowboarding out... Funny how one thing leads to another.


Anonymous said...

Hey, pretty fearsome snowshoes you picked up. Looking like they're just begging for wild adventure. what fun. I bet you'll be gathering up some fine tales before winter's end.

Looks like I'll be heading into town next Mon AM - if it doesn't work out for you to bring the book then, that's ok too. Another time. Will be good to say hello.

Til then - wishing you a very fine Thanksgiving, wherever it finds you ...

"The sun is coming up.
It's time to go out
and see the clouds."

-Yaqui chant

Anonymous said...

Well that plan didn't work too well... hee hee... whatever bus you were on, i wasn't - & vice versa... Apologies for being a little vague re: just which bus I had in my tiny mind.
The rest of this week took a dive timewise, but planning to head back into Spokane on Tues of next week... If that might work for you, let me know which AM bus - mornings are usually flexible...

Fallen said...

O.k. I typicaly vtc at 7:08am Lets give that a shot...

Anonymous said...

So why'd you go with the Denali? What'd you think of the Denali Evo's and the Lightning? It doesn't look like the Lightning would take the flotation tails, but damn. They sure look cool!

Anonymous said...

m-a-a-a-a-t-t ...
oh, m-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-t-t-t ...

i think i hear your snowshoes
calling ...

Fallen said...

Well, I went with the denali because of the flotation fins Modular ability. packed trails I dont need them. Powder,I need the 8 inch fin to hold my weight. The lower cost is also a plus. The evos are tapered making it easier to walk with your feet closer together. Yes the lightnings are very cool. perhaps sometime in the future...