Friday, November 03, 2006


I have been thinking alot about truth and honesty lately... I do believe, and this may be a slightly jaded opinion, that there are multiple types of truth. The difference is largely dependent on the outcome of expressing "the truth". See, I believe that one of the kinds of truth/honesty is the type that heals and brings unity. I also believe that one of the other kinds of truth is the type that causes hurt, pain and confusion. I feel that the way "the truth" is presented is a large part of the problem that I see. Trying to force someone to see your truth is a destructive reality. True or not, it damages. More from the forcing than from the honest reality presented. Rejection does not have to be actual for it to be percieved. Even percieved rejection damages because it is real for one person. Perhaps even more so because it is not real for the other so it is never corrected. It seems that "truth" is perhaps the most subjective thing out there. One person can believe it with all their heart and another will just reject it because they cannot or will not believe that it is real. I find that in my life the truth is almost always a destructive force weilded by people and used to punish and damage others or put them in their place or make them see from someone elses perspective. It is still the cold reality of truth but the delivery is what makes the difference.

Recently I have been speaking the truth for the first time in a long time. I truly hope it is the type that heals and not the type that wounds.

1 comment:

siriusb said...

Perhaps healing for one person is damage for another. Just another truth to consider....