Friday, February 02, 2007

apparently, I have beaten the horse to death.

funny how, in the end, some things stay the same no matter how hard you try and change them. I guess I never will be understood or even understand myself because I exist only in response to others and can never know myself because I know no other.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i've beaten the same horse.

course, i didn't beat it to death. i only beat it after it was dead.

i was pissed! i thought the faster i drove it... the more i whipped it... the cooler the air was that was passing over it and how refreshing that cool air must've been for the horse...

that's when it fell over dead.

i think it froze to death.

good thing it wasn't a deer. i mean, i saw you put that one in a headlock... but it was already dead.