Tuesday, February 27, 2007

We explained the glutton who is in the honey was burned and incinerated

Recently I saw an old family photo from 1972 (I was 4) of my grandparents at Priest lake and was reminded of how enduring love can/should be. I guess it kind of gives me something to hope for. They look so happy, Grandma in her multicolored scarf and Grandpa looking like he just pulled a prank. They both are holding lollipops. She did love her candy and he did like to make mischief.
Chris, my brother, also reminded me of the fact that after Grandma had her stroke, Grandpa cared for her at home for the 7 years until she passed. That is so sad and so beautiful at the same time.

"No one likes crying, but tears water our souls" -- Xinran

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