Tuesday, April 03, 2007


The conspiracy of technology became apparent today at about 11AM, when I received part of a txt message from 03/31/07 at 1:45 pm. Sadly, it would have made more sense on Saturday. Instead, on Saturday I received a txt message dated 10/16/06 at 5:50 pm, the final word of which was "Somemfortable". Needless to say on Saturday I was somewhat frustrated, confused and perhaps a little rude. I am not sure how the two messages got mixed, or even at this point, if it really makes a difference. Even though it would seem that explanations are never as good as apologies and apologies never really resolve anything or do me any good anyway, for what its worth I'm sorry I was an ass.

"If memory
serves out reason, remember you
are made, a new day arisen"

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