Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed in the Sun

Well, looks like we are looking at june 30th as a tenative date for the wedding. The pastor may push it back. Rae and Ray are definitly excited. Seems awful fast to me. But I guess that I've always been somewhat slow in that regard. Always wanting to dot the t's and cross the I's. Gr. Ellen is marrying her "special friend" as she likes to call him on the 14th. That is this saturday. Ash is singing. She is also planing a new tattoo along her right ribs of stars and spirals similar to the one I am planning. She wants strength and honor and a couple other kanji mixed in. From the way she described it, it sounds pretty cool.


Anonymous said...

Are you serious?!! Stars and swirls on the right ribs? Hate to break it to you all, I already got it. That's kinda spooky in a way. Don't expect it to hurt though, if that was the one you were referring to.

Fallen said...

Mine is more of a right arm, shoulder/back piece may wrap around a little at the sides. if it doesn't hurt i'm thinking of adding a cutting or the like. Maybe I'm pushing for a form of "penance" or "Karma".