Friday, August 24, 2007

Some guardian in my empty room

Dream: Leaning against a hay bale in a dry dirty meadow reading a beat up paperback. It read like a biography written as poetry about addiction. It also had little pills, about an 1/8th of an inch long, glued to the page. It contained commentary on the 6 stages of addiction and talked about separating the "pros" from the "players" by "breaking out the straw". I was rudely interupted by three vintage cars driving seemingly anywhere and everywhere but the road. While looking more like the keystone cops than anything else, the first two cars bounce/race/ swerve their way past me piloted by two older women. Then came along the one with the ratty old European ( like the blind taxi driver in "Everything is Illuminated") looking dude in it. As it bounced by in front of me, a hay bale fell out of the overstuffed open trunk. Without even stoping, the old dude step falls out of the car and scampers his way back to gather up the hay bale. All the while the car continues to bounce and drive around by itself, although not very quickly. He grabs the bale with one hand and drags it along, while half running and half dancing a jig with odd looking foot flourishes. He continues to fall down / get up and tip his hat to me acting like it is some sort of show and he is playing for tips or something. I was trying to get back to the 6 stages when the alarm clock rang...

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