Friday, January 05, 2007

red memory breathes salt

Ive been thinking lately about things I miss. When I lived in newcastle I used to enjoy hiking to red town. A rather easy hike from my apartment. backwards I suppose if you were to follow the trail head. I actualy prefered to jog/run through the woods rather than follow the trail but regardless I do miss that hike.

The thing that sticks with me the most is the smell. I miss the smell and I'm not talking about the tacoma aroma. See, when you are driving over the pass, at a certain point the air changes. Suddenly out of nowhere you can smell the sea. The Ocean. Salt water. It is odd to me that when you are there you dont really notice it. It is only when you are gone for a while and then go back that you realize what has been floating around in your head.You knew what it was but couldnt quite put your finger on it. For me its the smell. I love it. I miss it.

I miss many other things including shopping at Uwajimaya for ingredients that are hard to find elswhere.


Anonymous said...

I know what you're talking about concerning the smell of the sea... Personally, I miss the organic smell. The masses of vegetation that grow in the forest there, and then the decay... gives the woods a very earthy smell.

Fallen said...

I do think the earthy smell is part of it too. For me the dominance is salt but definitly earth as well. Somehow fresh and clean also.